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Jul 22, 2020
Interview Tips: "Tell Me About Yourself"
Almost every interview begins with this question. Though it may seem like a really trivial question, it can drastically change the course of
Jul 18, 2020
Management Consulting: How to strategically prepare for your interviews
This article will introduce you to a strategic step-by-step plan to ace your consulting interviews. A comprehensive and strategic 4-step pre
Jul 11, 2020
Interview Experience #1 - St. Stephen’s College, DU
This is an outline of an interview taken by St. Stephen’s College, Delhi University for admission in the undergraduate degree in B.A. (Hons)
Jul 5, 2020
Management Consulting: What does an interviewer look for in a candidate?
While solving a case in a consulting interview, candidates are tested on their:
Problem-solving skills.
Ability to structure and break down
Jul 1, 2020
How to make the best out of your internship?
While we all spend so much time and effort to land the right internship, we often stop our research and finding after that. It is equally...
Jun 27, 2020
Management Consulting: What to expect in your interview?
In a consulting interview, you are typically asked to solve a case with your interviewer. You are given a problem statement and an objective
Jun 20, 2020
Management Consultancy: The Recruitment Process
This article outlines the selection process for a management consultancy firm for both on-campus and off campus applications.
Jun 17, 2020
How many internships should I do? Are there any substitutes?
Am I engaging in too many internships? Am I doing less? Can I do something else instead of an internship?
Jun 13, 2020
Management Consulting: What does it hold for you?
This is the first of a series of articles on the topic of management consultancy, ranging from an introduction to what an interviewer looks
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