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CV Writing For School Students

Many colleges today look beyond a student’s marks and academic performance while considering them for college admissions and scholarships. One way to effectively display your profile is through your CV. Your CV is essentially a 1-2 page document that summarizes all the various activities that you have engaged in - both academic and extra-curricular.

This article will show you a basic sample CV template that you can use while building your CV and answer a few basic questions you may have about the process. To learn and understand more about profile building for school students, refer to this article: Portfolio Building for School Students - Part I

Take a look at the CV template given here and then read the discussion below.

This CV template is recommended as it illustrates the information in a highly structured, precise, and straightforward manner.

You can adjust the sub-headings (called buckets) in the above CV template or add separate sub-headings for items like:

  • Volunteer work/social work

  • Research work

  • Skills

  • Leadership, etc.

At this point, you may have a lot of questions on your mind, regarding what type of content to put into the CV, how to write this content. We have specific resources to help you with the same:

  1. Learn how to make your CV from scratch: CV Writing 101 - The 4 step process

  2. Learn how to package and present your CV: CV Writing 103 - How to package and present your CV

  3. FAQ on CV writing: Part 1, Part 2

The above FAQs will answer all questions like what font size, what font style, which colors to use, which software to use, how to select points, and several other such Qs.

With the above template and guidelines in mind, you are all set to start building your own CV. CVs are particularly important while applying for college admissions and scholarships. Even if a CV is not asked of you, it can prove beneficial to carry one with you.

Further reading:

Check out my blog for articles on areas such as CV building, interview preparation, internships, examination, meditation, and many more areas.

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