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Interview experience: Tax Consultant at Deloitte USI


This article is a part of a series of articles on Interview Experiences. Check out our blog for more such pieces.

Industry: Accounting

Company: Deloitte USI

Position: Global tax consultant

Result: Selected

Setting: On-campus recruitment

A tax consultant helps businesses as well as individual entrepreneurs prepare, review and file tax returns and tax forms, and pay their taxes. Deloitte is one of the Big Four firms, a group of the world's largest professional services networks and accounting organizations. Deloitte USI is Deloitte US India (India Offices of the US). They majorly serve the US clients but provide support for Europe, Australia, etc., regions as well.

This article is about the interview experience of Darshini Krishna, a Christ University alumna, who was selected for the position of Global tax consultant at Deloitte USI as a part of the company's on-campus placement program.

The article covers various topics related to the recruitment process adopted by the organization and details of the interview process. To learn more about the candidate's preparation journey and tips on how to crack such interviews, read the next article Preparation Journey, Tips & Strategies: Deloitte USI.

All information and insights have been shared by the above-mentioned candidate.

Interview experience: Tax Consultant at Deloitte USI


Recruitment process

The recruitment process began with filtering the candidates based on marks. The filter used in this case was a minimum of 60% in 10th, 12th, and college, this was followed by a computer-based test that had 8-9 rounds. The candidates were shortlisted to the next level based on their overall score in those rounds. The next two levels consisted of one excel based test each, both of which were eliminative. These tests were used to shortlist candidates to the next level which included three rounds of interviews.

Level 1 - Communication

This test had 8-9 levels, which were aimed at testing different facets of the candidate's communication skills. Some of the rounds were:

Round 1: The candidates were played ten to fifteen sets of audio recordings of English speakers from all over the world. They were expected to listen to them, understand what each speaker was saying, and repeat it aloud. The test happened online and the answers were recorded by the computer.

Round 2 : Similar to the first round, the candidates were asked to listen to several sets of audios but this time they had to type down what they heard.

Round 3 : The candidates were given passages which they were expected to read and repeat into a microphone.

Round 4 : Candidates were given four to five passages and were asked to type out each of them in one minute. Their words per minute were counted.

Round 5 : A passage was given and they were asked to come up with a concise statement of it in 25 to 30 words.

Round 6 : The candidates were asked to come up with their inference from the passage that was given in level 5.

Round 7 : A passage was read to the candidates very fast and they were expected to type it down.

Based on the overall score from the 7 and two more such rounds, a few were selected for the next round of tests.

Interview experience: Tax Consultant at Deloitte USI

Level 2 - Excel

  • This test had about 30 MCQ questions. Questions were all based on MS Excel and ranged from basic functions to advanced interfaces and controls.

  • This was an eliminating test and only the candidates who cleared it got to attend the next level of the test.

Level 3 - Excel

  • This was an excel-cum-aptitude test that consisted mostly of questions related to excel but also had questions to test the candidate's data interpretation and logical analysis.

  • This was also eliminative and the candidates shortlisted after this were selected for the interview.

Level 4 - Interviews

There were three rounds of interviews all of which happened on the same day and consisted of 1-panel member each, who were all Senior Level Managers. These interviews lasted for about 7 minutes each. Candidates were shortlisted to the third interview based on their performance in the first two.


  • The first round of interview was HR based.

  • Consisted of most of the usual HR questions like introducing yourself, questions based on the candidate's qualifications, family background, previous internships, strengths/weaknesses, and questions as to why the candidate was interested in the field/job profile.

Second round

  • This round was mostly driven by technical questions.

  • Consisted of several basic questions about tax, taxation laws, and slab rates.

  • A question asked in this round and recurred in the other rounds as well as, "Will you be comfortable in shifting to Hyderabad for the job?" (as Deloitte headquarters is in Hyderabad).

Third round

  • This round was a combination of HR and Technical questions however most questions were HR-based.

  • Consisted of deep HR questions that were aimed at gauging the candidate's morals/values, ethics, and emotional stability.

  • Some of the questions were:

    1. How do you think you'll adapt to and work with the Australian or American tax system considering that you have only studied the Indian tax system as of now?

    2. What would you do if you find out that your boss is doing something unethical?

    3. What is the difference between Tax avoidance and tax planning?

    4. How would you react if someone badmouths your parents?

    5. What would you do if someone took credit for work that you put a lot of work into?

Interview experience: Tax Consultant at Deloitte USI

What is the recruiter looking for?

Level 1 - The communication tests

  • Candidates who are strong with communication skills across multiple dimensions such as speaking, listening, writing, etc.

  • Well-versed in English.

Level 2 & 3 - The Excel-based tests

  • Basic skills and knowledge of MS excel.

  • Good analytical and logical skills.

Level 4 - The interviews

  • Candidates who have all the basic knowledge and a strong foundation in the field of taxation.

  • Candidates who are emotionally stable, have a strong sense of ethics, morals, and values.

  • Someone who has opinions/beliefs and isn't fickle-minded or unsure about them. Especially when answering ethical questions, it is important to stick to your belief system and not flip around.

  • Most companies have their own set of values/ideals/principles and work ethics, and the interviewers are interested to know whether you'll fit these criteria.


We thank the candidate for sharing these insights with us that gives us a detailed perspective on the overall recruitment process.

To know more about the candidate’s journey in preparing for the same and to get valuable tips that'll help you ace such a selection process, check out the next article Preparation Journey, Tips & Strategies: Deloitte USI.

Stay tuned for more such interview experiences.

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A management consultant, meditation trainer and an educational entrepreneur is using this platform to connect with the youth across the world and share his ideas, philosophies and assist viewers to tap into their infinite potential.

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