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Interview Tips - “Do You Have Any Questions?”


While an interview is traditionally thought of as unidirectional, several interviewers attempt to make it a conversation by allowing the candidate to ask questions as well. This typically happens at the end of an interview, be it for internships, jobs, or college admissions. The interviewer directly asks the candidate, ‘Do you have any questions for me?’. This gives you one last opportunity to impress the interviewer.

You might be wondering what is going on in the interviewer’s head when they do this. Are they still testing you on something? This article will walk you through the interviewer’s mindset and share specific tips on how to ace this section of your interview.

Inside the interviewer’s mind

At a simple level, the interviewer is genuinely attempting to answer any questions or concerns you may have about the company or the job role. While you as a candidate are eager to get the best opportunity for yourself, the interviewer is also eager to get the best candidates.

At the same time, the interviewer is still testing you as a candidate based on the questions that you ask during the interview. One of the key qualities that you can indicate through your questions is your level of interest for the role and the company/college. How you can demonstrate this interest through your questions is discussed below.

Tips to ask the right questions

  1. Remember that the interview is not over and you are still under evaluation.

  2. Prepare your questions before the interview.

  3. Avoid very basic or generic questions.

  4. Ask questions which are (a) Personalized (b) Something you genuinely want to know and (c) Specific/detailed.

  5. If you know who is going to take your interview beforehand, you can look them up on LinkedIn and personalize your question.

  6. However, avoid questions about the interviewer’s personal life.

Interview Tips - “Do You Have Any Questions?”

If you meet the above 3 criteria (a,b,c), then you’re going to set a good impression on the interviewer. What this essentially does is convey to the interviewer that you are genuinely interested in this job role and company, and have done your research and preparation for the same. This goes a long way to indicate your seriousness and interest. At the same time, you can utilize this as an opportunity to know more about the firm or get any final concerns addressed from your end.

Can I say that I have no questions at the moment?

It is better to say the above than ask a question for the sake of it. However, keep in mind that you’re missing out on the final opportunity to impress the interviewer.

Final Thoughts

If you expect something to come up in your interview, it is best to prepare for it beforehand. With the above things in mind, do prepare 2-3 questions for each interview you walk into. You needn’t ask all of them, but it is good to have them handy.

All the best!

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Further reading:


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A management consultant, meditation trainer and an educational entrepreneur is using this platform to connect with the youth across the world and share his ideas, philosophies and assist viewers to tap into their infinite potential.

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